Tuesday, January 06, 2009

a new leaf

I’m not sure what happened there. Somehow, time got away from me and I have been so wrapped up in work, and the kids, and Twitter (OKAY I ADMIT IT) that I have been neglecting this site something fierce. But it IS a new year, and although I don’t have anything really specific that I resolve to do or stop doing this year, I have been starting to feel pretty guilty about never writing anymore.

I’ve also been thinking about contentment. I honestly feel that I am a truly happy and blessed person. I have a home, an awesome husband, two beautiful and hilarious kids and a great job. 2008 was a year of really good things for us. My daughter was born (11 months ago today HOW ON EARTH DID THE TIME FLY BY SO FAST?), my husband had some good things happen to him at work and I was able to reduce my hours in the office to spend afternoons with the kids. But despite all these blessings in my life, somehow my mind is always buzzing for the next thing. The next plan, the next activity, the next to-do list… I am never happy unless I am feeling productive. I have to be multi-tasking: doing the dishes, making tomorrow’s coffee, writing a list of the things I need to do, or pack, or buy. I have a real problem with just sitting down. Sitting still. Taking a few minutes to look around me and be thankful and content with all I have.

Because I have absolutely everything – everything that matters.

And that is what I want to do in 2009: appreciate everything that I have, because I am truly a lucky and blessed individual.


Rhi said...

I like it when you post to your blog :)

Sonja said...

I needed a resolution and this rang true for me so I'm stealing it! So nice to read a non-complaining blog - I think you're off on the right foot!! Thanks for taking the time to share.

Andrea said...

I take a lot for granted these days, but after Jon's little biking mishap last week I have to really examine how much we have and how lucky we are. We need to slow down and enjoy our lives a little more and that is my #1 goal for 2009.