Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Tomorrow, I go back to work after four and a half months being at home.

Tomorrow, I won't get to take a lovely, mid-day leisurely walk pushing Evan in the stroller.

Tomorrow, I will get to speak regular English to grown-ups, instead of baby talk to a four-month old. (but I'm not sure it's better.)

Tomorrow, my time will neither belong to me or to my baby.

Tomorrow, I will probably wonder what I was thinking in coming back.

Tomorrow, I will wear waterproof mascara.

Tomorrow, I find out if I can hack this working mom gig.

Wish me luck.


Emily said...

You are a brave, brave woman. I'm sure your super-executive-woman skills will come right back to you. I can't even imagine what a different role that must be from "mom".

You'll be great.
Good luck!

Kiki said...

Good luck!!! You might find yourself talking baby talk to the adults. Be careful!! :)

karla said...

In an effort to make work seem a little more like your at-home life, try this: Offer to powder and diaper a few of your coworkers. It can be very comforting to have that little throwback to motherhood in the workplace.

I mean, I'm assuming it can. I wouldn't know.

I mean it.