Monday, February 02, 2009

What would you do...

… if you thought it was a good idea to take both your kids to Old Navy, or “Old Maybe” as your child may have called it, and your child threw a big old fit and wouldn’t listen to anything you said, and then when you got down on his level to talk to him about it, he then proceeded to HIT YOU?

… and then, if you took away your child’s toy car because of the hitting, he started throwing a screaming fit while still in the store?

… and then he hit you again?

… and you then dumped your armful of clothes on the nearest display, did the extra-firm upper-arm grab to remove him from the scene and alert him that YOU MEAN BUSINESS, all while pushing the stroller with the other child in it, and he reaches out and hits you AGAIN?

Now, mind you, these are all HYPOTHETICAL examples, because my children are perfect ANGELS, especially the one who happens to be THREE and fiercely INDEPENDENT.

I am just wondering, in the off chance that one of you unlucky saps has been through this. Because I have this friend...


little miss mel said...

the exact same thing you did.

AnnieM said...

...and it always seems to be Old Navy, I swear! We have now decided that there are certain places our kids are perfect angels (Mexican Restaurants) and others where they are always hell-raisers (Thai Restaurants and Old freaking Navy).

karla said...

I would do what I've already done, which is remind myself never, ever EVER to shop with children again. As a result of this vow, I now have almost nothing to wear, but my sanity is (somewhat) intact.

Nicole said...

Been there done that got the T shirt. You did exactly what you should have done. Follow it up with a confined howling 3 yr old and an extra tall glass of wine. Yes, it will happen again but maybe it will be in H&M or my son's most favorite The Shoe Depot. (Good times!!)