Thursday, August 11, 2005

oops, I did it again

Have you ever had a random conversation with someone that went so poorly that you just wanted to run away? I was at the mall today, and ran into this girl that I hardly knew from college. I think she and I had the same major and were in a couple of classes together, but I am 100% positive I wouldn't have known who she was if she hadn't come up to me and said something. Here's a little flavor for how the conversation went down:

Background: the Nordstrom coffee bar, where I was waiting for the illicit cookies & cream frappucino thingy that I ordered at 10:30 am. (I confess! I couldn't help myself.)

Girl I Barely Knew in College: "I know you. Didn't you go to Westmont?"
Me: "Yes."
GIBKIC: "Rebecca, right?"
Me: "Yeah. Is your name Shelby?"*
GIBKIC: "Yes. "
Me: "Wow, you have such a good memory! I never would have recognized you."**
GIBKIC: (with an awkward smile) "How old is your baby?"
Me: "He'll be four months old next week. How old is your daughter? (referring to the toddler she was pushing around in a stroller)
GIBKIC: "HE is almost two."***
Me: "Well, it was nice running into you! Have a great week!"

*Name has been changed to protect the innocent.

**Footnote on embarrassing comment #1: Why did I even say that? Why did I just blurt out the fact that I clearly think she is the most forgettable person I have ever come across? DUH. Seriously, it's time I got some tact.

***Footnote on embarrassing comment #2: In my defense, that kid needed a haircut, STAT. Long blonde femmy hair = me automatically assuming it's a girl. Maybe not as bad as asking someone who's not pregnant when they are due, but still... oops.

Here's hoping it's another ten years until I run into HER again.


Emily said...

Painful. Painful. Painful.

What was she hoping to accomplish by striking up a conversation with someone she barely knew?

If you weren't good friends in college when you were seculted in a 1200-person hill top, why on Earth would she expect that you'd be good friends in the great, big world?

Dang it, now every time you go to that great mall of ours, you're going to have to look around corners to make sure she isn't there. Bummer.

Kiki said...

That's fantastic.
I have moments like that constantly. I avoid them in the fastest way possible. Usually not even going into any form of conversation.