Originally posted on Facebook, because I was tagged by 8,467 people to do this. I confess: I actually found it kinda fun.
1. I have always lived in the suburbs of Southern California, but I fancy myself somewhat of a city girl.
2. When I was little I was obsessed with horses. Really obsessed, like to the point that when I would come home from riding lessons, I would refuse to take a shower because I wanted to smell like horses. (Grown-up me says “Um, gross.)
3. I am a klutz. Bella Swan’s got nothing on me.
4. I am a former competitive swimmer. In fact, swimming represents the entirety of my athletic talent. See #3 above.
5. My diehard addictions include coffee, Diet Coke, shoes and J. Crew.
6. I also really like wine.
7. And salty snacks. Especially chips. That are dipped in guacamole. And also dark chocolate.
8. Evidently, I am hungry right now.
9. I watch too much TV.
10. All three of my most embarrassing moments involve glass being broken in humiliating circumstances. Did I mention my klutzitude?
11. I won a spelling bee when I was in third grade. No, seriously. I am an excellent speller.
12. My musical taste is, how shall we say, eclectic. Some of my more random likes include the Rent soundtrack and Anne Murray. I’M NOT ASHAMED.
13. I have never really been a kid person, but thank God I have two of my own. They are fantastic.
14. I hate being cold.
15. Reading is my life’s passion and I am never happier than when I have a stack of unread books on my nightstand.
16. My favorite books are The Brothers K by David James Duncan and A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving.
17. I love going to the movies by myself. Actually, I love going to the movies at all and never get to, because of my aforementioned kids.
18. I love for things to be uncluttered on the surface, but don’t open a drawer or closet at my house because you will be showered in junk a la Monica Gellar. Out of sight, out of mind!
19. I have a terrible memory, but I usually remember people’s middle names. I find them intriguing.
20. I am not good at using chopsticks. I’M JUST NOT. This one, I actually am kind of ashamed of. In fact, my awkward chopstick skills were once very nearly exposed on national television! True story.
21. I also cannot shuffle a deck of cards properly. So being invited to a party with card-playing and sushi would strike anxiety into my heart. Although I really do love sushi.
22. Ketchup is an overrated condiment.
23. I will go to extreme lengths to avoid vomiting.
24. I feel guilty about the fact that I rarely work out.
25. I am an introvert at heart and hate being the center of attention, although I am not particularly shy.