After reading your comments and taking a comprehensive tour through my closet last night, I have settled on a Uniform outfit: jeans and a sassy black top. I was going to take
Whoorl’s advice and do a photo collage of my potential sassy tops, but I was launched into a shame spiral of epic proportions when I attempted it. I think the problem could have been any of a number of factors: a) the fact that I was wearing a sloppy ponytail and sweats, which made every top look ridiculous, b) the incredible messiness of my closet, or c) the realization that I have a boatload of clothes but all of them are either work- or weekend-appropriate. I am lacking in sassy going-out attire appropriate for martini drinking. Which makes sense given, shall we say, my home-centric social life?
Nevertheless: shame spiral.
But peeps! I now feel just fine about it. I mean, jeans and a black top may not be the most inventive choice, but damn if I’m not gonna work it. I will accessorize and wear awesome lip gloss. Because that is how I roll! And because I was terrified of
UC’s suggestion for leggings. Leggings! Let’s not forget that I lived through the 80’s when they actually happened and therefore, unlike the youth of today (kids these days!) I cannot in good conscience go back.
Now, stepping off soapbox…
What are you all doing for Thanksgiving? I will be eating two Thanksgiving dinners, one on Thursday and one on Friday. I will likely be gaining several pounds, possibly rendering my safe and boring Sassy Uniform ill-fitting.
Can you say shame spiral?!?